Monday, February 1, 2010

One Of The Reasons

I start to wonder if I'm really just wasting my time trying to get my BSN in nursing is when I start to have a panic attack and burst into tears when I'm told I cannot look over a test I've already turned in.

Because the instructor didn't give me the directions for the test before she let me start it.

Even if I arrived to class 25 minutes late on a test night so I wasn't there to hear the instructions in the first place.

And that's only because, apparently, I can't tell time.

How the hell will I EVER be able to hold down a job? A demanding nursing job, at that, if I can't even hold myself together when I'm not allowed to look at a test after the instructor gave me some instructions after I turned the test in?

I hate that I can not have a "normal" reaction to a given situation about 95% of the time. Well, I don't know if it's quite 95%. But that's what we're going to go with. 

I'm learning in therapy how to "be in the moment." How to use my "wise mind."

There's obviously a shortage of wise minds being in the moment around here.


  1. Thanks Pam! It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there. It feels like that so often.
