Monday, February 1, 2010

It Starts. Maybe.

This is a blog I've wanted to start for a very long time. I've actually started it in other place, done a post or two, and then left it alone.

I want to blog about my mental health. It ain't always pretty and I don't like to put stuff that's too heavy on my other blog. I try to keep that one sort of funny. If you could call it that.


Anyway, I am just really scared to begin this blog. About a year and a half ago (2 years? something like that), I was diagnosed with some afflictions. See? I'm afraid to even say them. I put up a blog about it on MySpace, and my family saw it.

Needless to say, they were PISSED!! It was just one more example of how I'm such a bad daughter. How could I DO that to my family? Oh, it was terrible. Family members who I hadn't talked to in years and years were coming out of the woodwork to tell me how bad it was and ask me how I could do that to my family.

I did take that blog down. I realized that how I worded some of the stuff, it did sound like I was being terribly harsh and mean. but I didn't really intend for it to all come out like that.

I've thought about trying to make the blog anonymous, but then I'm not really being true, am I? Not only that but there are so many ways to figure out who is actually writing the blog. So, I feel that it's just kind of pointless to try to do it that way.

Plus my family pretty much doesn't even talk to me anymore. What do I have to lose?

But why do I feel the need to write this blog now?

To help me feel sane.


  1. Some of my older posts in my blog are very harsh, and probably do sound mean. I refuse to take them down though. They are true to how I was feeling at the time. You have made a good start on this.

  2. We all need something to keep us sane. A lot of things I write on my blog my fiance doesnt agree with but it's my blog and how I feel.

    Just keep true to yourself and write what you want. Thanks for joining my blog.

  3. I empathize. It's a fine line between honesty and hurtfulness. One often precipitates the other. If you write about your feelings, no one should fault you for that because they are yours alone. The trick (I think) is not being so specific about the situation that caused the feelings that you reveal personal things about someone else that they didn't want revealed.
    I struggled with that in my "Bravest person I know" post I wrote about my mom.
    I'm following your journey :-)

  4. Thanks for the great comments everyone. It's a great feeling knowing there are people out there who care. Even if I don't know you that well. I still thank you, and look forward to hopefully getting to know you all more.

  5. Wow your family seems so suck. They should be there to support you not beat you down.

    I personally have battled depression and also was kinda diagnosed with being bi polar?

    I'm glad you have a blog for an outlet. I know having some friends online helped me out a ton!
